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Some Recent, Some Old Favorites...
Please note: Several of the cartoons here also appear in George W, The Son King. An asterisk* after the cartoon number [in brackets] will identify those included in the book. Two astericks (**) will identify cartoons added in the 2007 updated edition.
N.B. I try to keep the cartoons on the top of the scroll more or less current. Further down the scroll are a few old chestnuts that just keep on giving so I don’t flip that bunch around too often.

Relax, Fredo -- [c-630]

Just because the entire country knows Alberto Gonzales lied through his teeth (because the entire country watched him lying through his teeth) -- all to save Turd Blossom’s and the Son King’s respective sorry asses -- is of course no reason for the Son King to fire Fredo's sorry ass, or for Fredo to resign. One wonders just how much more “dignity” the country can stand from this White House...
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The Approval Target (stay tuned) -- [c-625]

Albeit slowly, our doddering old republic seems to be catching on - getting ever and ever closer to the bull's eye (a.k.a. zilch).
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"Wow! Back so soon! FRENCH fries!" - [c-632]

The Right wing-nuts in Congress must be beside themselves with the Sarkozy victory in France. They seem to have put down all those anti-anything-French drums they were all so gleefully banging away on at the start of the Son King’s 2003 Great Stupidity. Now that France has a Thatcher-light at the helm until 2012 - well, for gosh sakes, all those formerly loony French aren’t quite so loony after all. Nevertheless, in spite of kissing Bush’s feet, Sarkozy still doesn’t support The Great Stupidity, so he can’t be all bad.
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"Hey! I think it just moved a tiny bit!" [c-634]

Bush’s boneheaded intransigence on the Iraq Stupidity ain’t so popular -- 28% support lately -- with the rank-and-file elephants who want to get reelected. So, dutifully supplicant, they have asked the know-it-all in chief for the teeniest bit of flexibility to provide them with a little wiggle room from being cast as boneheaded as Himself. I’m told Excalibur ain’t all that easy to extricate, though.
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"It's DOG food, Rover..." [c-631]

Personal note: In late April my daughter's dog, Pasta, less than year old and in perfect health, awoke unable to move his hind legs. The vet was stymied, thought he had a virus of some sort. [The Chinese stuffing “melamine” - some sort of coal dust residue into pet food - wasn’t reported to the world until a week or so later.] The next day, without any medication, Pasta recovered fully. When the “melamine” news broke my daughter’s family wondered how much the FDA’s indifference to just what the hell goes into imported pet and people foods might have been a factor in this curious illness. Pasta survived, but what he survived remains unknown. We can guess, though. Pasta, young and healthy, was lucky. Many other pets were less so.
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Fredo II: The Sequel - [c-633]

Alberto ("Fredo") Gonzales was back in front of Congress for a second grilling the other day. "Planet Earth to Fredo, Planet Earth to Fredo - More people believe in the Tooth Fairy than they do in you."
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A Short History of Progress in Iraq - [c-614]

Mission accomplished? Well, not quite...
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Just Ahead - Stateside Rotation -- [c-628]

The Pentagon's April Fool's Day present to the luckless GIs in the Middle East was an irrevocable 90-day extension to their already dismal one-year tours of duty. No doubt the grunts are wondering when the next irrevocable extension will occur.
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More Bogus Intel - [c-619]

Cherry-picking the intelligence has become a fine art for the Cheney Administration. Considering the endless practice hours they put in, no wonder they're virtuosos at disseminating hot air...
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"At Least We Agree on ONE thing..." - [c-621]

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Signs of Progress in Iraq - [c-607]

What more is there to say?
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The cartoons below are old favorites and seem to have a more or less timeless appropriateness, so I pretty much leave them to their own recognizance.

Trickle Down Economics, 101 - [c-533]**

If by any chance you're not a billionaire, you can probably identify with that luckless schmuck on the left. There are so many more of them (read us) than there are Fat Cats.

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Samson in Iraq - [c-554]**

I guess I could have written "USA" in the top of the temple just as easily. But that's a cartoon for another day. Iraq seems to be taking Bush down -- that and his lying plus the myriad other scandals going on -- and one can only hope it takes down all his in-house neo-philistines, too -- you know, the the whole gaggle of geniuses that got us into the Iraq "cake walk."

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You'll love 'em pal - [c--12(BG)]*

As the buying of Congress has become more and more commonplace, We the People have been more and more marginalized from the political process. About all We the People (a.k.a. We the Schmucks) are good for now is to provide the leg work for the corporations; since corporations can’t vote -- not yet, anyway -- it’s you and I who still have to hump it down to the local school gymnasium every couple of years to put their surrogates in office.

(N.B. Location of original unknown -- gone missing. Only copies are available of this drawing.)

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Latest Greed-Deriven Merger - [c-44]*

The corporate monsters just keep multiplying and growing more dominant every day. The abandonment of any pretense to enforce the antimonopoly laws in the books, if they’re even in the books any more, has created corporate colossi that have wiped out any semblance of economic fairness. The constant mind-numbing reiteration of “privatization” and “market driven forces” to justify these huge monopolistic giants inevitably rips off the consumer in whose name they exist, but in reality at whose expense corporate America ultimately flourishes.

The terrified lady on the right who’s screaming “Run for your life” seems to be articulating some pretty sage advice.

Too bad there is no place to run to.

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