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Golden Oldies   

A more or less permanent gallery pertaining to issues which, unfortunately, just won't go quietly away. Some of the so-called Golden Oldies aren't in fact that old. They simply relate to issues that stick around - sort of like doggie poop on your shoe. Very annoying.

(Please scroll down for the Golden Oldies)

N.B. asterix indicate:
* included in first printing of George W, The Son King
**included in updated edition of George W, The Son king

c-274* - Poor Old Diogenes

Maybe it's time he tried a career change...

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c-163* - Uncle Sam Shooting Up

Once addicted, alas, the victim can't too easily rid that infuriating monkey from his or her back. Just ask Sam.

(Original no longer available.)

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c-215* - Missing from America

Cheney and Bush aren't responsible for all the gone missing, but they sure did their part. The next few generations sorta got their work cut out for them.

One "missing" above -- "elected presidents" -- was appropriate during our recent history when the president was appointed, the Constitution notwithstanding. Luckily things have changed lately.

(Original is NFS -- only prints available.)

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c-533** - Trickle Down Economics

If by any chance you're not a billionaire, you can probably identify with that luckless schmuck on the left. There are so many more of them (read us) than there are Fat Cats.

N.B. This drawing was done in 2005. If I were to redraw it today, instead of the label "Bush's Booming Economy," I think maybe I'd eliminate the signage underneath and label the top of the hourglass "Trickle-down Economics 101."

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c-xxx*- Politics as Usual

Bamboozlespeak -- it will probably be with us till we blow up the planet.

(prints only available.)

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c-44* - Latest Greed-Deriven Merger

The terrified lady on the right (aka stage left) who’s screaming "Run for your life" seems to be articulating some pretty sage advice. Too bad there is no place to run to.

(N.B. Location of original unknown -- gone missing. Only copies are available of this drawing.)

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c-12(BG)* - Congress for Sale

About all We the Schmucks are good for these days is to to hump it down to the local school gymnasium every couple of years to put their surrogates in office.

(N.B. Location of original unknown -- gone missing. Only copies are available of this drawing.)

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c-829 - What, us Worry?

"Global Climate Disruption" is how Thomas Friedman quotes a scientist in his book, Hot, Flat and Crowded. The point being that that phrase is a more accurate picture of what our excessive carbon footprint is doing to the ever-more-fragile earth.

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c-813 - Tree House du Jour

Maybe they never grew up and that really is the Republican's hideout. Lately they sure as hell are acting like it is.

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c-816 - The Latest Lament

Few of us of a certain age have no idea what Tweetering or whatever it's called is all about, except that it appears to be pushing many a daily paper off the edge of the earth.
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c-832 - Destination with Destiny?

A government study that was quashed by Fort Bush since 2003 alleged that driving while cell-phoning was the equivalent of legal intoxication... One hates to think what percentage of all those cell-phoners out there are also half in the bag as well...
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c-895 - Gasbags, Inc.

Murdoch doesn't own and control the entire world yet. Most of it, but not all of it.

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c-878 - Bozo the Truant

For boneheads they sure can make noise.They pose as populists, but what they really are are puppets of the Corporate America, just too dumb to know it.

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c-888 - The Latest Buzz

Negotiate with Republicans?... Yeah, right. Some of us wonder when Barack will finally get it, if ever...

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c-896 - If the Past Could Speak

Presidents are pretty rare who are actually take the high road and lead, which isn't saying much considering the troglodites in congress whom they have to be out in front of. Obama still has two-plus years, but the clock is ticking.

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c-904 - Neanderthal? Who Knew?!

Science is at it again. It recently announced that most Homo Sapiens are DNA connected, however tangentially, to the Neanderthal branch of the family. Which explains a lot.

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c-880 - HELP!

Never quite sure if Obama needs a wake-up call or a hearing aid. Maybe both...

c-918 - But Is It Art?

In any event, whatever it is, those who might understand it aren't, unfortunately, in the White House or the military.

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c-923 - Mr. Fix-it, but Good

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c-919 - Snow White Updated

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c-927 - Bummer

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